Product Name:4-bromo-2-[5-(trimethylsilyl)-1,2-oxazol-3-yl]phenol

IUPAC Name:4-bromo-2-[5-(trimethylsilyl)-1,2-oxazol-3-yl]phenol

Molecular Formula:C12H14BrNO2Si
Catalog Number:CM1077965
Molecular Weight:312.24

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Product Details

CAS NO:2354398-35-7
Molecular Formula:C12H14BrNO2Si
Melting Point:-
Smiles Code:C[Si](C)(C)C1=CC(=NO1)C1=C(O)C=CC(Br)=C1
Catalog Number:CM1077965
Molecular Weight:312.24
Boiling Point:

Category Infos

Isoxazole is a liquid heterocyclic compound C3H3NO isomeric with oxazole and having a penetrating odor like that of pyridine. Isoxazoles belong to an important class of five-membered aromatic heterocycles containing two electronegative heteroatoms, nitrogen and oxygen, in a 1,2-relationship and three regular sp2 carbon atoms. These molecules are found to be key components in various synthetic products in daily use and also present as a pharmacophore essential for biological activity in many drugs and bioactive natural products. In addition, isoxazoles have demonstrated their ability to exhibit hydrogen bond donor/acceptor interactions with a variety of enzymes and receptors.

Column Infos

NMD Pharma A/S announces that it has dosed the first generalized myasthenia gravis patient in a Phase 2b clinical trial of NMD670, after receiving FDA IND clearance in March 2024 to conduct the study.
NMD670 is a first-in-class small molecule inhibitor of the skeletal muscle specific chloride ion channel (CIC-1). NMD Pharma has demonstrated that CIC-1 inhibition enhances weakened neuromuscular transmission and restores skeletal muscle function, and this novel treatment approach has demonstrated compelling preclinical and clinical data in animal models of myasthenia gravis, spinal muscular atrophy and a range of other neuromuscular disorders. NMD670 has also been granted orphan-drug designation by the U.S. FDA for treatment of gMG.