Product Name:8-methoxy-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-benzo[c]azepine

IUPAC Name:8-methoxy-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-2-benzazepine

Molecular Formula:C11H15NO
Catalog Number:CM152930
Molecular Weight:177.25

Packing Unit Available Stock Price($) Quantity
CM152930-50mg in stock ɅŴƙ
CM152930-100mg in stock ɅǧƱ
CM152930-250mg in stock ǧŴƙ
CM152930-1g in stock ȷɅŴ

For R&D use only.

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Product Details

CAS NO:247133-22-8
Molecular Formula:C11H15NO
Melting Point:-
Smiles Code:COC1=CC=C2C(CNCCC2)=C1
Catalog Number:CM152930
Molecular Weight:177.25
Boiling Point:
MDL No:MFCD08236791
Storage:Keep in dark place, store at 2-8°C.

Category Infos

The use of azepane as a scaffold for drug discovery remains of interest. The azepane linker is the key to efficient activity. A number of seven-membered ring derivatives have been prepared or investigated for their potential or actual pharmacological properties. Examples include azaalkane derivatives as PKB (protein kinase B) inhibitors.